Cannabis for Addiction: New university research position aims to write a prescription
Cannabis helps drug addicts quit. More and more studies back it up. But doing it effectively is about more than just lighting up…
Is Cannabis the Missing Link in Treating Autoimmune Disease?
Promising research is showing that cannabis can treat autoimmune diseases. Not just with its ability to relieve pain and inflammation – but also by…
Cannabis and Pain Relief: For 5,000 years we’ve used cannabis for pain.
Before criminalized in the 1930s cannabis was well known for its pain relieving benefits. Now, doctors, scientists and patients are rediscovering the lost knowledge – and then some…
The Opioid Crisis: How Cannabis can Help Break Addiction
Experts are looking to the unique benefits of cannabis and how is can help in the prevention, management and detoxification of rampant opioid abuse…
Evidence mounts that cannabis effectively treats opioid addiction
Jean knew her pain killer addiction was a problem when she was prescribed the fentanyl…